What an auspicious beginning. We've been open just a couple months and we have a hive of 19 Founding Members (21 if you count these two below). Now accepting regular members.
Unless you've been studying tribes on a lost island then you probably know our OPEN HIVE launch party on June 20 buzzed beyond expectations. Despite the monsoon, at least 80-90 people showed up, including Mayor Gold and his wife. Check out some photos.
Our first workshop, "Pitching Your Story to Publications," by member Kelly Kingman on July 1 was also a success, with about 10 participants.
We've got several other happenings lined up this month at the hive (see events below). We're launching a series of social and cultural events keeping the OPEN HIVE theme with our first monthly screening, OPEN HIVE / film. (A/V generously provided by Fovea.) Stay tuned for a host of programs and projects.
The buzz is really spreading. You may know that Chronogram included BEAHIVE in its profile of Beacon in May. Also doing stories on us: Hudson Valley Business Journal (7/13), Poughkeepsie Journal (next week) and Southern Dutchess Focus (7/18).
Together with several BEAHIVE members, writer/local foods activist Anne Dailey is expanding the food coop that she's been facilitating for a couple years now, newly christened Hudson Valley Real Food. A new website is up and we're hosting a local foods tasting event July 28 (see events below and website.)
Nutrition and lifestyle counselor Andrea Ramirez launched the True Nourishment Inner Circle for career-driven women. It includes monthly teleseminars and Q&A sessions with her, a "Recipes that Will Save Your Life!" binder with recipes delivered monthly to members' doors, and more. She's also leading the nutrition workshop on July 16 listed in the events below.
Mara Farrell has been working tirelessly to preserve an important Revolutionary War site just down the road from us: the Fishkill Supply Depot, where archaeologists recently discovered what could well be the largest burial ground from that war ever identified. Senator Schumer recently took up the cause with legislation to make the site eligible for federal preservation funds. The media has started taking note, including a recent AP story.
join / BEAHIVE is a community. We have a few levels of membership so you can be a part of the community at the commitment level that works for you.
rent / Our space impresses everyone whose eyes behold it, and it's available for your own events, workshops and group meetings — either for a fee or gratis, depending on the nature of the event. We finally posted new pics of the space post-move in.
hire / Our talent is also available. Our members have a range of creative and technical skills and can offer both strategic and creative guidance and support services — we can analyze, counsel, plan, design, implement or all of the above. We're looking to work with nonprofits, community groups, socially conscious businesses and social entrepreneurs, and foundations_in the Hudson Valley and beyond.
Contact Scott for details.
/ I [HEXAGON]... /
"Hiking Mt. Beacon and rewarding myself with Jane's Ice Cream at Beacon Creamery." (founder Scott Tillitt)
/// E V E N T S ///
* Healing Digestion, One Yummy Bite at a Time *
Andrea Ramirez / True Nourishment
Thurs, July 16, 7-9 pm
$12 BEAHIVE members / $17 public / $29 couple
* includes instruction, handouts and high-digestibility nibbles
* OPEN HIVE / film - Happy Hour & Film Screening *
Fri, July 24, 7:30pm
* Tasting Our Valley: A Celebration of Local Flavors *
Hudson Valley Real Food
Tue, July 28, 6-8pm
$7 HV Real Food members / $12 public