MORE HIVE = MORE HONEY We said last month that we have bigger plans for 2010 — to grow our community and our impact, to realize our larger vision.
The workspaces that are probably the most tangible things about BEAHIVE are just means to several ends.
But they are a key component of our model. And more space allows for more means and more ends.
Which is why we've been aching to expand our Beacon location into the front room since we moved in. We need more members to do that.
We could also partner with a like-minded group or business to share that space with us — a small gallery, a group of artisans who could display their wares there, a nonprofit that needs some space for its small staff, a group that just needs a regular place to meet.
So if you know of anyone who may be a good fit, by all means connect us. And remember we have plenty of room for individual members and groups in Kingston.
MORE HELP = MORE HONEY (OR, INTERNS) We have an ongoing need for interns (description) to help realize that larger vision. We particularly need someone soon to help plan and coordinate events in Kingston and/or Beacon. Spread the bzzz, please.
MORE MONEY = MORE HONEY (OR, SPONSORS) Your message here! Well, not exactly here. But the buzz around BEAHIVE is ever-growing and we're looking for like-minded groups or individuals who want to tap into it. Reach a quality, engaged audience through our events, email list, newsletter, Meetup group, Twitter, etc. Contact Scott to discuss opportunities.
MORE ART = BETTER HONEY We've started exhibiting art in our Kingston space and plan to have a monthly rotation, tapping into the First Saturday event (like Beacon's Second Saturday). We're looking for artists to hang. Spread the bzzz, please. (Our first artist is Penny Dell. Opening reception: Friday, Feb. 26, 5PM — leading into our regular New Music Salon at 7PM.)
MEMBER BZZZ Welcome to our final class of 16 Kingston Founding Members: technology counselor Gerald Berke; Carl Frankel — managing director of the Center for the Intimate Arts; IBM consultant Heather Johnston; web implementor Marian Konop and web engineer Gary Mort of Gotham Informatics.
New Beacon members: architect Kevin Byrne; credit risk modeler (?!) Sam Browning of ZAIS Group; writer Gina Van Nosdall.
 Founder Scott Tillitt's other life is doing communications and PR for progressive issues and ideas through Antidote Collective. He's working with BALLE / Business Alliance for Local Living Economies to promote their 8th Annual Business Conference in Charleston, May 21-23. BEAHIVE's principles overlap with BALLE's and indeed our vision aligns quite nicely.
 Another new Antidote project: "One World: A Concert for Peace & Reconciliation" at the New York Society for Ethical Culture (NYC), April 24. It's a program of Arts at the Intersection, a new initiative using the arts to engage intercultural and interfaith dialogue.
I [HEXAGON] BEAHIVE "I love the spirit of BEAHIVE, its animating principles — and look forward to becoming more actively involved." (Kingston member Carl Frankel, Center for the Intimate Arts)
I [HEXAGON]... "The scale of Uptown Kingston. It's like Cheers, only its not a bar, it's a community. Where everyone knows your name." (Carl Frankel)