2 EVENTS ADDED THIS MONTH (welcome new Kingston subscribers)
Apologies for invading your inbox again so soon... but we've slipped in a couple more events in October: our first semi-official BEAHIVE Kingston event and a new free acting class in Beacon. Why? Because we [hexagon] you.
And a quick shout-out to the several dozen Kingston-area folks just added to our list. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in our survey. We're having a little soirée to introduce our Kingston space and all things BEAHIVE on Monday, Nov. 9 (info).
OPEN HIVE / film - 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama [BEACON]

Fri, Oct 23, 6:00pm BYOB Happy Hour @ 6:00 Screening after dusk No charge — bring friends
This month's film: 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama (2006) How do you reconcile a commitment to non-violence when faced with violence? Why do the poor often seem happier than the rich? Must a society lose its traditions in order to move into the future? These are some of the questions posed to His Holiness by filmmaker and explorer Rick Ray. Ray examines some of the fundamental questions of our time by weaving together observations from his own journeys throughout India and the Middle East, and the wisdom of an extraordinary spiritual leader. Also included is rare historical footage as well as footage supplied by individuals who, at great personal risk, filmed with hidden cameras within Tibet. Part biography, part philosophy, part adventure and part politics.A New York Times Critics' Pick. (85 Minutes)
Free Advance Screening of 'The Age of Stupid' [KINGSTON]

Sat, Oct 24, 6:30 & 8:30pm 314 Wall St, Kingston (Chronogram) No charge — bring friends
The Age of Stupid is the new four-year epic from McLibel director Franny Armstrong. Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite stars as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, looking at old footage from 2008 and asking, Why didn’t we stop climate change when we had the chance?
This special free screening is sponsored by Greenpeace and 350.org — part of the International Day of Climate Action, the largest global day of climate action ever. Concerned citizens from Kingston, Woodstock and the surrounding areas will join together in local action and petitioning.
A guest speaker and press photo op will follow the screening.
This event is one of more than 3000 in 170+ countries to call on President Obama and other world leaders to secure a fair, ambitious and binding global deal in Copenhagen this December at the UN Climate Change Conference.
Adult Acting Class (Free) [BEACON]
Mon, Oct 26, 7:45pm No charge Info/RSVP: 845-453-4329 / guytrenzich@gmail.com
Forget what you thought about acting in high school — that it was the province of pretentious kids who couldn’t make the football or cheerleading teams. Here’s an acting class that has no interest whatever in putting on a production of The Merchant of Venice, but instead aims to increase the student’s self-confidence and empathy in all of life.
Taking the idea of positive visualization a couple of steps farther, you won’t just visualize being a particular sort of person — but actually experience being that person.
Novices very much encouraged to enroll. You’ll learn that you’re actually no novice at all; conscious of it or not, you’ve been acting your whole life, as we all do.
This is the first of what may become a regular class. Facilitated and organized by John Mendels(s)ohn.
The True Sweet Life: Breaking Free from Sugar Addiction [BEACON]
Weds, Oct 28, 6:30pm $17 – or $29 for a couple $12 for BEAHIVE members Includes instruction, handouts and sweet but low-sugar nibbles Info/Register
Sweet cravings controlling your life? Are you a slave to candy, chocolate and soda? Riding the energy roller-coaster?
In this seminar you’ll learn:
- The yin/yang of sugar addiction
- Creative ways to get your sweet without damaging your body
- The relationship between your mood and your sugar consumption
- The what, why and how of alternative sweeteners
- Why sugar is not the problem, but the solution
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