Someone woke up Old Man Winter a bit early last week. (What was that?!) Apparently it's already time to save the date for our holiday party in Beacon with Beacon Citizen Network on December 12. We're looking for food/drink sponsors and performers if you know anyone who would want the exposure.
Meanwhile, we're still looking for an intern or two. They'll get full-time membership to the hive, a growing network of mentors, and a breadth of experience not found in a conventional workplace. Interested or know someone? Read the description and email Scott.
Events: We're not yet open in Kingston (likely December), so all of these below are in our Beacon space.
Solopreneurs Sounding Board (NEW DATE)
Mon, Oct 19, 6:30pm $5 public / Free for BEAHIVE members Register/RSVP
Struggling with a work issue? Need a perspective shift?
Take advantage of collective intelligence ("hive mind") and an inspiring meeting place to brainstorm and work towards creative solutions to problems.
Think of this as a mash-up of an ad hoc advisory board and group therapy for your work. Come prepared to share and to listen.
OPEN HIVE / film - Happy Hour & Film Screening

Fri, Oct 23, 6:00pm BYOB Happy Hour @ 6:00 Screening after dusk No charge — bring friends
Join us for this intimate, informal gathering at the hive.
This month's film: 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama (2006) How do you reconcile a commitment to non-violence when faced with violence? Why do the poor often seem happier than the rich? Must a society lose its traditions in order to move into the future? These are some of the questions posed to His Holiness by filmmaker and explorer Rick Ray. Ray examines some of the fundamental questions of our time by weaving together observations from his own journeys throughout India and the Middle East, and the wisdom of an extraordinary spiritual leader. Also included is rare historical footage as well as footage supplied by individuals who, at great personal risk, filmed with hidden cameras within Tibet. Part biography, part philosophy, part adventure and part politics. If you had only one hour, what would you ask? A New York Times Critics' Pick: "Expertly merging the mystical and the mundane, Mr. Ray presents a warm and well-rounded portrait of his subject, his Buddhist philosophies and the painful circumstances of his exile." (85 Minutes)
Each month we show a film with a message, sometimes entertaining, sometimes political, always inspiring, engaging and thought provoking.
We'll start the evening with a kind of bring-your-own happy hour at 6:00 and then screen the film at dusk. We'll have healthy, organic popcorn. Please bring something to drink and other food to share if you like.
A/V generously provided by Fovea.
The True Sweet Life: Breaking Free from Sugar Addiction
Weds, Oct 28, 6:30pm $17 – or $29 for a couple $12 for BEAHIVE members Includes instruction, handouts and sweet but low-sugar nibbles Info/Register
Sweet cravings controlling your life? Are you a slave to candy, chocolate and soda? Riding the energy roller-coaster?
In this seminar you’ll learn:
- The yin/yang of sugar addiction
- Creative ways to get your sweet without damaging your body
- The relationship between your mood and your sugar consumption
- The what, why and how of alternative sweeteners
- Why sugar is not the problem, but the solution
Sometimes, things change. For updates/reminders: -> Subscribe to an event feed: RSS / iCal -> Join Meetup group
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